Monday, March 16, 2009

I saw a documentary about Harvey Milk today in my anthropology class. It was fascinating. I have not seen "Milk" yet, but the documentary filled in parts of the story that I did not know, including the story behind the Twinky defense.
My grandparents, who had lived in San Francisco since WWII, would always joke about Twinkies when I misbehaved or forgot something. They would ask, "Did you have too many Twinkies today?" For a long time, I thought that they had made up that story of the defense. Of course, they did not tell me the specifics, only that a man had shot someone because he had eaten too much junk food. I figured there was some absurd lesson to be learned there, but I still loved those Twinkies.
I have digressed. The man really used that as a defense and it kind of worked. Amazing. That is a one time only excuse if there ever was one, second only to Mary's claim of immaculate conception.
I really appreciated the footage of Supervisor Milk. He had a lively personality, a great sense of humor, and a passion for equality for all. I wonder where the state of California would be, politically and culturally, had he lived and carried out his excellent work. We certainly would not have that appalling Proposition 8 threatening to enter our law books.

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